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    Stainless steel inquiry

    Stainless steel inquiry

    We are a Spanish Company with our headquarters located in Asturias, Spain. We have our own brands which are sold mostly in Spain, but also in Portugal, some other European counties and some in South America and North Africa. We started our Hong Kong Representative Office 4 years ago as for product research, we have also a sales office in Mexico and we just open our sales office in Poland as to open up the Eastern Europe Market. If you would like to know more about us, please come to visit our website: www.grupotemper.com.

    For one of the companies within our Group I'm sourcing for STAINLESS STEEL screws and nuts, the most important sizes right now would be:

    SCREW M8X20 DIN 933
    SCREW M10X30 DIN 933
    NUT M-10 DIN 934
    NUT M-6 DIN 934
    NUT M-8 DIN 934
    SCREW C3.5X13 DIN 7982
    SCREW C3.9X16 DIN 7981
    SCREW C3.9X13 DIN 7971
    SCREW 5X20 DIN 84

    The quality of the stainless steel has to be A2.

    Do you have this products? Can you please quote them for us?

    If you don't have the exact size please detail which similar size you have and quote it.

    Thank you and best regards

    Oscar Santos  Grupo de Empresas Temper  Hong Kong Representative Office  Phone: (852) 2123 1444  Fax: (852) 2187 2424  www.grupotemper.com  email: oscar.santos@grupotemper.com

    以上信息 來(lái)自于網(wǎng)絡(luò), 更多信息請(qǐng)?jiān)谙挛牧粞?

    ? 請(qǐng)關(guān)注 微信公眾號(hào): steeltuber.
     轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)保留鏈接: http://www.bviltd.cn/Steel-News/Stainless-steel-inquirys.html

    互聯(lián)網(wǎng) www.bviltd.cn


    常州仁成金屬制品有限公司 是 專業(yè)的 精密鋼管 生產(chǎn)廠家,汽車鋼管,電機(jī)殼鋼管 生產(chǎn)單位。




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