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    Jiangsu Tiancheng Group Limited-JIS G3454 Carbon Steel Pipes

    JIS G3454 carbon steel pipes are used for pressure conditions at an limited maximum temperature of 350℃. If you requires for higher pressure pipes shall consider JIS G 3455 standard. JIS G3454 Steel pipe can be manufactured into seamless steel pipe or electric-resistance welded steel tubes, th...
    tiancheng.josen.net/post/...html 2024-8-20

    Jiangsu Tiancheng Group Limited-API 5L PSL1|PSL2 line pipe...

    Scope: API 5L is generally refers to the standards of pipeline steel, include pipeline pipe and pipeline steel plate. Pipeline steel pipe is used to extract oil, steam, water on the ground to the oil and gas industry enterprises. According to manufacture method, pipeline steel pipes are produc...
    tiancheng.josen.net/post/...html 2024-8-19

    Jiangsu Tiancheng Group Limited-Chemical Compositions

    Yaoguan Town, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province,China+86-519-88387662+86-519-85121683steel_tubesteeltube.chinaTiancheng_Groupjosen_donginfo@tiancheng.orgTags:Chemical Compositions 2022-06-21HOW steel became the most commonly used metal in the world? 2022-06-21HOW steel was discovered? 2019-02-16...
    tiancheng.josen.net/tags-...html 2024-8-20

    Jiangsu Tiancheng Group Limited-1008 / 1010 / 1011 Low Carbon...

    CS 1010 is a plain carbon steel with a nominal 0.10% carbon content. It is a relatively low strength steel but it may be quenched and tempered for increased strength. SAE 1006 Chemical composition: C=0.08% max, Mn=0.35% max, P=0.04% max, S=0.05% max Property Value in metric unit Va...
    tiancheng.josen.net/post/...html 2024-8-20

    Jiangsu Tiancheng Group Limited-Continuously cast steel blooms

    Steel blooms and billets are the starting materials for production of seamless steel tubes. In addition to the production of tubes they can also be used to produce other metallurgical semi-finished products using hot forming (rolling, forging, pressing, etc.). Steel blooms are made of a square...
    tiancheng.josen.net/post/...html 2024-8-19


    sz.josen.net/m/ 2024-8-12


    復(fù)合熱處理復(fù)合熱處理作者:〔日)大和久 重 雄譯者:周佩復(fù)來源:常州精密鋼管博客網(wǎng)
    bk.josen.net/post/CompositeHeatTreat... 2024-8-20


    bk.josen.net/post/27SimnCra...html 2024-9-8


    gang.josen.net/index.php/guanyuwomen... 2024-5-14

    Jiangsu Tiancheng Group Limited-Contact us

    JIANGSU TIANCHENG GROUP LIMITED Yaoguan Town, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province,China +86-519-88387662 +86-519-85121683 steel_tube steeltube.china Tiancheng_Group josen_dong info@tiancheng.org JIANGSU TIANCHENG GROUP LIMITED CONTACT INFORMATION: ...
    tiancheng.josen.net...html 2024-8-23
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